Funny saying isn't it? It seems to have a way of finding me, often. I said it just last night on the phone with my mom. Some people experience this more than most and I'm more than positive my family is apart of that group, though I'm usually left out of it.
Yesterday wasn't exactly fun, to say the least. I have never been this sick in my whole life. No exaggeration. It was 1am and I sat straight up out of bed and ran to the bathroom to expel whatever daemon had found its way inside me. The vomiting didn't let up. It only slowed when I no longer had anything left inside me to regurgitate. The dry heaves, though less often, came just as urgently. Once at the hospital, 6 straight hours of vomiting later- there is no (english speaking) ER here- the staff did what they could to make me comfortable. That beautiful little white pill! Okay, so anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I don't even take Tylenol for headaches. Meds are a last resort for me. Trust me, I was beyond last resorts at this point. I was so far dehydrated that I was unable to urinate at all, much less in a cup. Of course they have to test for pregnancy, among other things, for extra precaution and to rule out extreme morning sickness. Luckily the anti-nausea medication they gave me (that beautiful white pill lol) worked its wonders, otherwise they'd be forced to put me on an IV drip and I'd probably still be attached to it.
I felt completely out of control of my own body. Seriously felt possessed. Thankfully, I'm feeling better more than 32 hours later. Stomach cramps are still present but not nearly as prevalent as before and most definitely manageable. Still on a strictly liquid-only diet. Which is perfectly fine with me for fear of eating anything. I can't even look at the Christmas cookies I made. Gatorade is currently my sustainment as my stomach has felt like a non-stop boiling cauldron so I've avoided any intake of anything even remotely warm.
My husband has been wonderful. It's the first time I've been truly sick in all of the (almost)4 years we've been married and he's gone out of his way to make me feel better. Jake rarely leaves my side. My sweet boys. :)
After 6.5 months or so of a hiring process, I finally started my new job 3 days ago. If it's not one thing, it's the other. After working 2 days I get violently ill? Ridiculous.
Good news in all this mess is Christmas this weekend. I am so looking forward to seeing most of my family on Skype Christmas morning. Hopefully this will be my only Christmas without my extended family. It is definitely rough being my first.
In any case, I'm glad to be feeling better and no longer attached to the toilet. I guess that's enough of a blessing in itself.