Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Fickle Feels

Written in the summer of 2011, when my mother in law passed away.

Life, in so many ways, is fickle. Tightly Bound by emotions. Emotions hang delicately by strands of reason. It doesn't always make sense. It rarely aims to please. It can bring you the deepest Joy you've ever imagined and it can Pierce you to the core with fiery knives of self-doubt, hatred and uncertainty. Life is fragile, yet it can be well cultivated- trained even. Life can be given and life can be taken. Life can be stolen, shared, destroyed, wasted and grown. Life cannot be fair, cannot be just if that who possesses it is not fair or just. To watch one live is a gift; but to live yourself fully is to share the greatest given gift with those who do likewise.